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coordinating group中文是什么意思

用"coordinating group"造句"coordinating group"怎么读"coordinating group" in a sentence


  • 配位基团
  • 配位群


  • A taxon at a lower rank than the taxon of the same coordinate group with which it is compared
  • Less - coordinated groups will typically form a " tactical trailing blob " around their leader
    一个不太协调的队伍一般会形成一个以指挥官为中心的“战术蔓延斑” 。
  • On 13 jan . 2003 , the 7th council meeting of the 1st session of the xianggu mushroom export coordinating group was held in beijing . zhang aihua , vice - president of cfna attended the meeting
  • From 1 to 2 july 2002 , garlic exported to s . korea coordinating group held a meeting in beijing . 20 enterprises attended the meeting . yang shengjun , vice president of cfna attended the meeting
    2002年7月1 2日,我会对韩大蒜出口协调会在京召开, 20家企业参加会议。杨胜军副会长出席会议。
  • On 9 july 2002 , garlic exported to s . korea coordinating group held a meeting in beijing once again . 12 enterprises attended the meeting . cao xumin , president of cfna attended the meeting
    2002年7月9日,我会对韩大蒜出口协调组再次在京召开协调会, 12家企业参加了会议。曹绪岷会长出席了会议。
  • Introduced you to point - to - point messaging using the sibus , and described how the sibus is implemented as a coordinated group of messaging engines , each running inside an application server , as shown in figure 2
    介绍了使用sibus进行点到点消息传递,并说明了sibus是如何作为消息传递引擎的协调组实现的(每个引擎都运行于一个应用服务器内,如图2所示) 。
  • On 3 dec 2002 , some companies of wooden chopsticks coordinating group , led by ni rulin , vice president of cfna , investigated the consuming market of chopsticks in japan , and exchanged views with the japan chopsticks import association
  • Because cooperative learning which is carried out in groups has its specific feature different from traditional teaching , some aspects such as class " management and organization , coordinating group activities , dealing with relationships among class , group and students , play important part in cooperative learning . this paper also goes further into the problem of teachers " role . based on this , it puts forwards its own views and propositions about the relationship between cooperative learning and other kinds of learning styles , just as a reference for future teaching practice
    由于合作学习课堂具有以小组学习的顺利进行来达成教学目标这一有别于传统教学的特点,因此对课堂的组织与管理,协调各个小组的学习活动,处理好全班? ?小组? ?学生个体之间的关系就显得尤为重要,为此本文还对教师的角色问题作进一步的探讨,在此基础上本文对课堂合作学习与其它学习方式的关系等问题也提出了自己的见解和主张。
用"coordinating group"造句  


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